Online Support for Parents
- The Life Skills Report Card: Transform your parenting from reactive to proactive today with the Life Skills Report Card (LSRC). The LSRC makes communication with children about things you are already teaching them easier.
- Codependents Anonymous Meetings: A place to connect with others who have struggled with leading co-dependent lives and learn from their experience.
- Strength for Caring: Website that provides enhanced resources for caregivers.
- DailyStrength: Online support groups on parenting, pregnancy, relationships, as well as many mental and physical illnesses.
- Raising Them: Meet parents with similar interests and chat in online groups, as well as activities for children and connections to local play groups.
- Step Talk: Online groups for stepparents.
- American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse: A keyword-searchable database of over a thousand in person and online support groups for a variety of issues, including parenting and caregiver concerns.
- Circle of Moms: Online support through meeting other moms and support groups online, related to all different ages of moms and children, as well specific concerns.
How to Report AbuseAbuse Hotline
The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports 24 hours a day and 7 days a week of known or suspected child abuse, neglect, or abandonment and reports of known or suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult. To make a report you can -
How to Report Telephone: 800-962-2873Florida Relay 711TTY: 800-453-5145 This toll free number is available 24/7; counselors are waiting to assist you. TELEPHONE Call 800-962-2873. Phone OptionsPress 1 to report suspected abuse, neglect or abandonment of a child Press 2 to report suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation of the elderly or a vulnerable adult Press 3 to verify the identity of a child protective investigator who recently visited you Press 4 for information/referrals to other services in your local area. |